A parody of prescription drug commercials, and my graduate thesis project.
28 September, 2008
Table Reference
I want a fairly modern looking table to rest the bottle on. I like this first image for the base and the second for the shape of the tabletop. The organic shape of the base is inviting and draws the viewer's eye. It also looks as if it could be tipped if knocked into.
"Thanatol" is a 45 sec 3D character animation which parodies prescription drug commercials.
Enter a virile, attractive, middle aged man who's demeanor is no less than confident to the point of arrogance. ed.(Enter a withered, visibly upset, old man.) After popping a pill from a bottle sitting on a nearby table, ed.(he miraculously becomes younger, around middle aged, and more arrogant in demeanor.) After displaying his exuberance, his mood drastically changes as he begins to suffer the harmful / lethal side effects that come with the benefit of Thanatol.
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